Sunday 12 January 2014

Issuu is a place where you can collect, share and publish in a format designed to make your documents look their very best. You can upload your ppt presentations or pdf documents. MORE

Pixton lets allows you to create your own electronic comics. You only need to select from a plenty of characters, customize them as you need it, and you can put them in different poses and also add text. This tool is very easy to use and does not require any artistic skills to work on it.   MORE

Storybird is a collaborative storytelling tool. Students use collections of art to be inspired to write stories. One the art is chosen, students are able to build there story by dragging and dropping pictures and creating a story to match. MORE

Storyboard That is a service that your students can use to create simple comic strips. The free plan allows you to create three and six frame stories, also limits you to three storyboards per week.  Each element that you drag into your storyboard's frames can be resized, rotated, and repositioned.  MORE

StoryJumper is a place to create and discover stories for kids. StoryJumper makes is easy for anyone to create a kids story. You can quickly create a story where the text is integrated with the art you create by dragging and dropping props on a book canvas. You can also upload photos to include in your story. MORE

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